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 Since Ma Bell was female, and since Bell Telephone were the
 early suppliers of modems, modems traditionally present female
 connectors.  Because Bell employees were predominantly
 heterosexual they arranged that Terminals should present
 complementary male connectors.  The modem and terminal were
 joined in holy matrimony by a cable with one male and one female

 The other reason Bell chose female connectors for their modems
 is that male connectors are more fragile -- the tiny protruding
 pins are likely to break off.  The male connectors belonged to
 the customers, the robust female ones to the phone company.

 I say this tongue in cheek as a memory aid.

 25 Pin D-shaped connectors are used, but some companies, notably
 Apple and now IBM (in the AT), sometimes use non-standard nine pin
 connectors.  I suspect wicked motives such as cost cutting and
 attempting to lock you into buying their own brands of peripheral

See Also: pins
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson